About VOX Management : Vox Management is a full service artist management with main office in Oslo, Norway. Our services include professional personal management for artists and production services. With a strong emphasis on developing the artists for an international market and live from the club circuit and onwards, we are focused on building artists through a long term relationship and common goals. Most of our artists tour extensively. Vox also has a booking service mainly for company events - Artists on the booking roster includes Vidar Busk, Noora Noor and Tim Scott McConnell.Contact the booking agents on booking@voxbooking.com.
Vox Management Andersen holder til på besøksadressen c/o Kenneth Andersen Snapnesvegen 12B, 4100 Jørpeland. Foretaket ble startet og registrert i Brønnøysund-registrene i 2002-11-30 og som et Enkeltpersonforetak. Foretaket har ingen registrerte ansatte.
Du kan ta kontakt med Vox Management Andersen på telefon 900 20 401, ved å sende en epost eller besøke deres hjemmeside. Er noe feil på oppføringen? Si ifra eller logg inn og rediger detaljene.