A proud reputation built over 200 years
Since 1796 and throughout its more than 200 years of business. ScanRope has played an active part in the development of Norwegian Industry. ScanRope was established to supply rope for maritime activities.
The company, however, has continually adapted to the modern world, adapting the latest techniques and pioneering new process and products.
ScanRope Marine AS was established January 1st 2004 to concentrate shipping related activities into a separate company. KARAT MAXI is produced at the ultra-modern manufacturing facility of Eurorope Performance Rope Producer in Thiva, Greece.
ScanRope in Tønsberg produces KARAT WINCHline and Buoyant Winchline. ScanRope Marine AS is controlled 50/50 by ScanRope AS and Eurorope Performance Rope Producers SA.
Our objectives are, of course, to become a better supplier of shipping ropes and related services, than ever.
Scanrope Marine AS holder til på besøksadressen Rambergveien 1, 3115 Tønsberg. Foretaket ble startet i 2003-11-17 og registrert i brønnøysund-registrene 2004-01-22 og som et Aksjeselskap. Scanrope Marine AS driver i bransjene "Skipsutstyr" og "Skipsutstyr og fiskeredskap - Engros". Foretaket har 3 registrerte ansatte.
Du kan ta kontakt med Scanrope Marine AS på telefon 33 35 55 00, ved å sende en epost eller besøke deres hjemmeside. Er noe feil på oppføringen? Si ifra eller logg inn og rediger detaljene.