Narud Stokke Wiig Architects (NSW) is based in Oslo, Norway.
NSW currently employs a multi-national staff of 80 people, of whom 70 are qualified architects, planners and designers.
The international staff provides a valuable professional and cultural diversity in the creative process and working atmosphere.
The numerous clients and project portfolio also reflect the international profile.
NSW is the common name of two NSW architecture firms; the NSW Sivilarkitekter AS and NSW Arkitekter og Planleggere AS.
The two firms have a strong professional and architectural bond, utilizing common resources of both firms.
NSW offers full services in contemporary architecture and planning, urban and interior design, as well as in industrial and graphic design.
NSW has avoided specialisation, and the wide range of completed projects reflects this.
Rather as specialists in problems solving, NSW is able to embark on large scale projects of high technical and architectural complexity, as well as master planning and urban design, commercial centers and airport design.
The focus on large scale projects does not, however, preclude individual medium scale building design, refurbishment and small scale domestic jobs.