Bergen Bunkers AS is an international trading
company trading bunkers and lubricants to Norwegian and foreign vessels
world-wide. We have worked hard since inception in 1977, to
faciliate growth and become an independent trading company, dealing
with all grades of marine fuels and lubricants. Our clients are Norwegian and other international oil companies as well as the smaller independent suppliers.
Through our world-wide network of contacts, we are therefore able to
supply bunkers and lubricants in most ports of the world. Our
enthusiastic, skilled and experienced team is backed by
state-of-the-art computer/communication systems, thus ensuring our
speedy response to our customers requirements is guaranteed at all time.
Bergen Bunkers A/S holder til på besøksadressen Torgallmenningen 9, 5014 Bergen. Foretaket ble startet i 1987-06-28 og registrert i brønnøysund-registrene 1990-04-05 og som et Aksjeselskap. Bergen Bunkers A/S driver i bransjene "Bunkers" og "Oljemeglere - Konsulenter". Foretaket har 11 registrerte ansatte.
Du kan ta kontakt med Bergen Bunkers A/S på telefon 55 60 62 00, ved å sende en epost eller besøke deres hjemmeside. Er noe feil på oppføringen? Si ifra eller logg inn og rediger detaljene.